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Will the water pump explode? It's incredible!

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Solemnly declare:
The circulating swimming pool pumps sold by kiyea company for swimming pools, hot springs, and aquariums are of high quality and quality assurance. As long as they are properly installed and used, they will not explode. Please rest assured to buy and use. At the same time, be serious about kiyea company’s genuine pool pumps , Quality is guaranteed.


Will the water pump explode? The answer to this question must be yes!


All the explosions in the picture are centrifugal pumps. The explosion is not caused by impurities in the pump, or a chemical reaction between the pump and a material that should not be present in the pump. In fact, in an explosion like this, the water in the pump is very pure-such as boiler feed water, condensate water, and deionized water.

How did these explosions happen?

When these pumps were in operation, the inlet valve and outlet valve of the pump were closed at the same time (making the pump "idle") for a period of time. Since water cannot flow out through the pump, all the energy originally used for fluid transportation is converted into heat. When the water is heated, a static pressure is generated inside the pump, and this pressure is enough to cause damage to the pump-seal damage may occur, and the pump body may rupture.


Due to the release of energy accumulated in the pump, such an explosion may cause serious equipment damage and personal injury. However, if the water is heated above the boiling point temperature before the pump is damaged, an explosion with greater energy may occur, because the superheated water released at this time will quickly boil and expand (boiling liquid expansion vapor explosion-BLEVE ), its severity and hazard are similar to a steam boiler explosion. If the pump is running and the inlet valve and outlet valve of the pump are both closed, no matter what kind of liquid the pump is delivering, this type of explosion may occur. Even a non-hazardous fluid like water produces the serious hazards shown in the figure. Just imagine, if the fluid is flammable, the released material will catch fire and burn, and the consequences are even more serious. It is further envisaged that if the fluid is toxic or corrosive, the released material may cause serious injury to people near the pump.

How to avoid the explosion of the water pump

Before starting the pump, check that all valves are in the correct positions. Make sure that the valves on the designed flow path are all in the open state, while other valves, such as the drain valve and the drain valve, should be in the closed state. If you want to start a pump remotely, such as from the control room, make sure that the pump you are about to start is ready to start. If you are not sure, you have to go to the site for inspection, or ask others to check. To ensure that: those critical steps that are essential to the safe operation of the pump, including the valve switch position, are included in the equipment's operating procedures and checklists. Some pumps are started automatically-for example, when the tank is full, the tank is automatically emptied by the process control computer or liquid level control instrument. Before putting these pumps into automatic control, such as after maintenance, make sure that all valves are in the correct positions. In order to prevent the pump from starting when the pipeline is blocked, some pumps are equipped with instrument protection devices-for example, interlocks such as low flow, high temperature, or overpressure. Make sure that these safety systems are properly maintained and tested.

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